Friday, June 10, 2011

Pretty much it!

Hellah bloggaz!!
How's your days??? Hopefully yours is full of fun and bless. Mine is pretty random. You know, tomorrow, I will going to Semarang to start my "martikulasi" activity. Yes, I'm a college student. Hell NO!! I wonder how people always want to be 17th on their live. I just feel a different feeling. I wish I always younger than 17. Being  mature is such a suck thing. I wish I always on my teen live at around 15 or 14 maybe. It's pretty fun and full color than have to being older and think about million problem. Yeah, I always want it badly. 
Hellyeah. SEMARANG. New boarding house, new environment, new atmosphere, new life? To be honest, I'm a bit excited about this. But in another side, I'm just feel like it was nothing special llike you know, this is not the first time I'm going to new boarding house. Kinda lazy to leave my lovely house (I hate to leave my lovely room. >,<). And yeah, but I have to deal with it. Let's just imagine that it will super duhper fun and interesting. Although I'm a bit scared to being a college student (I don't know why. Maybe I just hate being older).

still want it badly!!
kinda sleepy now guys. byeff!! ^^


  1. sabaarr honeyy....bukankah ini mimpimu untuk pergi ke college daripada kerja??
    jangan ngeluh okee???;-)

  2. iya babyyyy..
    tapi kamu kan tau impianku bukan college di TI kek sekarang ini..
    tapi sekarang juga lumayan asik kok.. :)
    ayook,, cepetan nyusul aku kuliah juga!!
    kuliah asik lhooo.. :p *ngomporin*

  3. santai kayak di pantai..
    slow kayak di pulao.. :p

    okaylah dear,, smoga lancar yy kuliahnya ntar!! ^^


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