Thursday, February 14, 2013

Let's giving away our book! (:

I looooove holiday. But I much more love my holiday to work on some project that I couldn't do on my daily activity. So yeah, after I met a curator of a new-born-small library based in my hometown (Tegal) called "Perpustakaan Tiga Surau" in twitter, I'm so excited to donate some books that I have for them.  

Come from a small thriving village in Tegal make me understand much how the villagers need some facility that the townsfolk easily get, including library. I always prefer to school in another place beside my hometown because I'm craving for the facility that I can't get there. 

So, the story begin when I met a curator of Perpustakaan Tiga Surau (@fuadikamal) in twitter, and then I read their website and I begin to "Okay, why don't I spend my holiday to collect my books and donate them to Tiga Surau?". But unfortunately, I'm not a book-maniac that continuously buy book every month so I just collect a few book. That's why now I'm posting this on my personal blog, which is aims to inform the others of this new-born library. 

Don't you love books?

or you have some stack of books just like this in your home? 

why don't you share your happiness of the books by giving away some of them for the others? The others who in needs, the others who don't have any chance and facility like you? ((:

I plan to send the book on early March 2013, so if you feel like donating, you could mention me on twitter (@kelimuttu) or send me an email on I'll be glad to help you deliver your book to Tiga Surau. We receive some book genre like children book, school book, motivation, biography, novel, religion, or anything that possibly helpful for them. 

Or maybe you want to reach them directly? Just surf this link then : Tiga Surau Website Twitter , Facebook.

Oh, you can also read the Indonesian version of this post here. I'll be waiting for your response and donation! Happy Valentine and bye! (;

credit picture : 1/2

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Begin again

Life is all about doing things that makes you happy

I totally believe that quote because I practice it everyday. Just like now, I know I write this post because blogging makes me happy. So that you stumbled here, spend your time to surf through this blogsphere (read someone post to another) because you love it, isn’t it?

I actually wanna thank this cyber world so much because I learn many things from here. I could be someone open-minded like today, get know some inspiring people, practice my English, and the mostly important is I could hone my creativity.

Anyway, this is what I promised in my last post. Modify my blog interface will hopefully make my blogging mood increase. But honestly, the fact is, I don’t have any establish connection around me anymore. That’s why my blogging frequency decreased lately. :(

Being in holiday makes me have bunch time to take picture. So, here I decide to post my holiday outfit.

top - random store in Tegal // lace short – gowigasa // flat shoe – cotton ink ft The Little Things She Needs // bag – planet ocean // glasses – Citra Land Semarang