Monday, May 24, 2010

I wish I can be “Spongebob”

Hey world !! hey bloggazz!!
You know? I think today was my worst day. I feels so unlucky.

I think, maybe I have my worst day every week. Jadi inget quote yang kemaren aku baca di blognya Mitchyy.
It’s like this :
“I hate looking at my self and realizing that I don’t like what I see. I hate looking back at things I did and wondering why I was like that. Everyday there’s something wrong. Just one trivial thing that can make me unhappy for just a moment. It’s like it’s not even possible to have a day without one bad feeling.”
I totally agree with that quotes. I feeling that too. Every day, every little bad thing, always make me loosing my mood. >.< !! I really hate that part of me! that’s my bad side. I’m a moody. And I don’t have the medicine for it yet. Remember if I have a bad side, I suddenly remember to “Spongebob”. He’s totally a cheerfull person. I like him!! So much!! O.o He’s good, freehanded, a lover, cute, but one thing I hate from him. He’s seems like a stupid person. Like a loser. Padahal,, baiknya... o.O 

I remember one of spongebob song. That’s entitled “It’s the best day ever”. But I don’t feeling it right now. So,, I wanna change the lyric into “It’s the worst day ever”. Ahh,, aku kalo ngomong muter-muter yahh.. feel suck! >.<
 Anyway, I’ve been thinking what the things that make me going so bad like this. But I can’t found it till now. Maybe I have a damnation. Like a damnation from a witch. (ahh,, tambah ngaco!)

In an unhappy condition like this, I just wanna have fun. Like, go karaoke, or to the game centre, go shopping (if I have a lot of money),or maybe traveling, or go watch the movie. But, in a time like this, I’m too busy to go anywhere. Buat post ini aja susah banget. Ga tau bisa langsung posting apa nggak. Biasanya kan, aku nulis dulu baru bisa posting kalo ke warnet. 

Latterly, I’m kinda busy of school task. I have to prepare for our final music show next Sunday. And then.. there’s many more.. and the the final semester exam will be held a couple weeks later. That’s super fast, I think. And I was made a wrong PSG report and have to make it again. (sebenernya nggak terlalu pusing juga. Cuman, kalo kebanyakan gitu bingung mau ngerjain yang mana dulu). 
I write this post in the middle of rehearsal for our final music show. Me and my friends is wanna play a drama plus traditional music show that called “Kentongan”. It’s a special traditional music from Banyumas regency. I’ll post our music show photo next time. That will be nice!! I hope we can success!! (amin!! O.o) 
My friends is soo busy to try their show costum. And me? Honestly, I think, my costum is soo bad. I just don’t like the model. It’s odd on me. And I don’t like it! Maybe I wanna modify it first, so that will be better. Cuz the size is too big for me. (padahal aku udah ambil ukuran yang paling kecil. But that’s still largeness on me. Bahhhh!!! 
Okay,, I think I should end this. I just have to continue our training. Don’t forget to follow me and keep up comment!! Ohya,, fill my cbox too!!!!!!!! Bye bye Beeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhh!!!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Be Smart and you'll be win!!

Sometime I feeling confused about a lot of people. They’re broken their school just to look like a cool person. Just to follow the trend. Honestly, I think that’s so uncool. That’s stupid!! I mean “Hey,, being a stubborn and forget about school isn’t cool. You come to school to being smarter. And that’s very stupid if you waste your school just to show the others that you brave to break the rule”

You’ll loss. You’re waste your time, waste your money, waste your chance, and certainly you waste your life! I know I like an old grandmother when I say this word. But, you can’t deny it. That’s true, rite?

Okay, this is what I mean. School is so fun if we success on it. Absolutely F.U.N !! Really!! There’s a feeling like “I proud of my self” when we got success on our school. Okay, I ain’t forbid you to act stubborn or whatsoever. I just invite you to enjoy your school. You can act like whatever you want. Stubborn, immature, mature, nerd, look smart, brave, shy, good person, bad boy, or whatever.. you free to act like that. But you don’t have to forget about your school.

Honestly, I feels so sick to continue my school. I feel so boring to always listening my teacher when they teach me on class. I’m being sick to do their task, homework, or the exam. I feeling that too. But we have to do it. That’s why we have to school. Can we just pay attention to our school for a while? The effect would so big if we got success on it. Trust me!!

So, that’s what I think. I know my self control, I know all my responsibility, and I know what I’m supposed to do. So mom, dad, please.. trust me!! I’m not that stubborn and I will never disapponting you. I know the good thing or the bad thing. Let me develop my ability.. Let me enjoy my teen life.. Let me show you what I can do. Let me do anything what I wanna do, and I will never forget your word. I will keep that inside my heart. I love you both!! You don’t have to know about that. Just, I wanna make you proud of my self!

So guys, don’t you ever think like that? I certain that you must be ever think about that too. Am i right?


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Let's blogging my friends!!

It's night here. tadinya mau keluar beli makan ama temenku gitukan.. tapi malah ujan.. akhirnya gajadi deh.. bt sbenernya! Tapi mau gimana lagi?
abis blogwalking ke blognya anak-anak batam gitu kan.. jadi mereka itu satu sekolahan kayaknya.. follow-follow an,, comment-comment an lewat blog mereka.. ahhhhh,, rasanya pengen banget kaya gitu. coba temen-temenku pada tau gimana enaknya ngeblog.. kan asik tuh bisa ngeblog bareng temen-temen sendiri. aku juga kan niatnya bikin blog tuh buat have fun aja.. sekalian buat nampung kali-kali aja ada ide kreatif gitu kan..
and.. bukannya blog tuh free buat apa aja. kan terserah kita mau ngapain blog kita. kita bisa menumpahkan semua kreatifitas kita disini kann? kan asik tuhh!! andai aja mereka tau!! o.o
oh iyaa.. aku masi belum beli modem juga nii.. sebenernya udah ada niatan beli kartu m2 kan,, tapi belom bilang ama papah.. udah gitu kann,, firmware hpku udah digantii,,jadinya ga ke-detect kalo di-connect in ke pc. udah niatan mau ganti firmware lagi,,tapi kabel dataku malah ilang.. uhh,, tambah bt!!
yaudah lah,, jadi ampe sekarang masih sering posting lewat hp. jadi sorry ya kalo kurang interested,, ga ada gambarnyaa.. ahh,, ga rame banget. padahal pengen ganti header ama layout juga.. sebenernya udah bikin header kemaren,, tapi belum sempet upload.. padahal cute banget!! kalian juga pasti suka.
well,, udah y.. sorry udah posting yang ga penting ginian..

you cut me into pieces..

hella bloggaz! honestly, i'm not in the mood to do some post. but i have nothing to do. so, now i've been thinking bout so many thing. my life, my family, my school.. that's a lot thing!

everyone that look at me always say that i'm a simple person. but, i just tell you here.. i got a really complicated mind. i thinking a lot of thing. it's like i have two self on my body.
it's too complicated to explain here. i can't explain it, even with a million word.
I'm a kind of person that don't really care about the other..
but when someone get in to my life, it's gonna take a much effect for me.

Ahhhh.. i'm talking too much about me,huh? i hate to talking about my self. really!
so.. what i wanna talk now? i don't have any topic and really have a complicated mind now.. sooooooo.. what now??? ahhhh,, it's better to just end this.. bye bloggazz! =] =] =]

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I got nothing to do..

Well,, i'm in fiber optic class now.. my teacher was go,, idk where she was. sooo.. we're free.. there's a task.. but.. my group was doing it..
soo,, i got nothing to do now.. well,, i'm not in the mood to have a chit chat with my any friends. so,, i just come here, open my blog and write something. i got no important thing to post,, but.. so what? i just wanna post.

okay,, what i wanna say now? you have an idea?
oh,,ya.. several day ago,,i going to pacific mall with my sistah.. i just buying a watch, and dvd. i buy korean drama. you ever heard about "full house"? that's a really famouse drama at arround 2006 maybe.. but,, i just watch it yesterday.. a little bit romantic but mostly funny. i laught everytime. And i think "princess hours" is more romantic than "full house". but,, both are owesome!! i mean it,,owesome!!
i think it would be great if i collect a drama dvd. yeah! so let's find the other owesome drama for watch.. helllyaahhh!!!
and.. the soundtrack.! i think that is soooo great! i mean,, it's connected with the story and sooo touchted! i like it so much!!
and ahhhh.. feeling confuse of the topic. don't you?
soo,, i got no topic now.. so let's just end this..


Thursday, May 06, 2010

my worst day, for a week..

Hemph! hai bloggerz!

really get tired for today! it's like hell fuckin' tired! ahh..

tadi pagi bangun jam 5,biasa kan ya.. tapi abiz bangun aku langsung ngegame gitu kan, abis itu baru mandi jam 7 kurang 10 menit. akhirnya ditinggal ama temen2 kos. yaudah,berangkat sendiri gitu kan,, untung pas di depan ketemu riris.. pas baru masuk gerbang, eh,malah ketemu bu jemi. udah jalan cepet,tetep aja dipanggil. ditanyain jam berapa gitu kan,yaudah jawab aja jam 7lebih2menit. untungnya dibolehin masuk.
pelajaran pertama kimia, dengerin bu desti ceramah tentang reaksi kimia gitu kan.. abis itu, pelajaran kedua, pak bayu.. dia juga ngoceh tentang integral dan bla,bla,bla..
abis gitu,pelajaran ketiga tuh pa nandar kan,,dia masuknya siangan gitu, jadinya kelompok aku gajadi presentasi gitu deh.. padahal aku udah bela2in malem2 bkin ppt ampe sebagus itu. fiuhh =='
Pelajaran bu lani kosong, kelasnya pa rudito crowded banget gitu dah!
pulang sekolah latian padus bwt pagelaran.. mana lagunya diganti jadi lagu aneh banget gitu. jadi malez,yaudah malemnya pas suruh latian lagi,aku ngga berangkat gitu. abiznya cape juga abis nyuci,itupun baru selese jam7.
eh,malemnya si rani sms marah2 gra2 q ga brgkt latian, si babeh juga marah2 gaje gitu,bikin hariku tambah ngebetein. yaudah lah, perfecto udah my damn day ini! ahhh..
jadi kangen rumah kalo kaya gini.. kangen anak2 sneaky, kangen makanan rumah.. ah,udahlah..
akhirnya makan es krim ajadeh ama anak2 koz.. daripada pusing,ngapain pula mikirin orang2 gaje gitu kan?

see ya! sorry,udah posting yang gapenting kayak gini.. buahahaha..

Monday, May 03, 2010

I'm a fool.. i'm sorry..

I'm a fool - stay
Ost. Goong
i was a fool, i was a fool
my regrets were too late too
i know that it can't be turned back
i know that i can't see you too

i was wrong, i'm so sorry
i didn't get a chance to say then
instead i was just being rotten
so i'm here now pleading for forgiveness with worry

i'm a fool
because of my pride
i'm ruining my self with alcohol
and the bitter taste of cigarette smoke
i cry my eyes out all day
because i still love you
you and i,we both are like a fools

don't be like that,think about it
think about what it took us to get here
think about it again, you're going to regret it

i can't live a moment without you
i still cry even no matter how i drink
or if i cut my hair

i'm a fool
because of my pride
i'm ruining my self with alcohol
and the bitter taste of cigarette smoke
i cry my eyes out all day
because i still love you
you and i, we both are like fools
don't ruin your self anymore..


you know? i really like the meaning of that song. really! it's show a really deep love and regret. it's seems like a true love. ahh,, i really like it! REALLY! I mean it!

well,this all is my playlist for a week:
1. Alice-avril lavigne
2. Bizarre love triangle-frente
3. Dang shi eun na neun ba bo ib ni da-stay
4. favorite girl-justin bieber
5. jump then fall-taylor swift
6. one time-justin bieber
7. overboard-justin bieber ft jessica jarrell
8. sarang in ga yo-Ost.goong
9. starstruck-lady gaga ft flo rida
10. stuck in the moment-justin bieber
11. sweet dreams-beyonce

that's it! and you know? my favorite one is *drum roll*
"dang shi eun na neun ba bo ib ni da/i'm a fool by stay"

i really really like that song! you guys, should to check it out! must be!