Saturday, March 31, 2012

Garten Paradise 'Blog PhotoBook' giveaway

Hi guys! I'm so excited for this post. Because I'm gonna held my very first giveaway. And I think it's an extra ordinary giveaway, because the winner will get one special 'Blog PhotoBook' from my craft shop (kelimutu art&design). If you don't know, what the PhotoBook really is, you can check out my short review below.

the cover
As you can see. That is the cover of my PhotoBook catalog. I make it with simple photo album. And decor it with many kind of paper ornament.

Here is the sample 'blog theme' that I've made on my catalog.
Did I said that it just a short review? haha.. Do you feel excited? (yes, please.. :p) So, let's cut the talking line, and straight to the giveaway rule :

  • Be my GFC follower (+1)
  • Follow my twitter @kelimuttu (+2)
  • Answer a question (answer it in the raffle copter widget below) (+2)
  • Leave a comment in this post, with your name and e-mail so I can contact you if you win. (+1)

And for the extra entries :
  • Like Garten Paradise page on facebook -> here (+2)
  • Tweet about this giveaway and don't forget to mention me. ;) (+1 per tweet)
  • Post this giveaway in your blog (+3)
  • Put the giveaway button in your blog sidebar (+3)

the giveaway button:

I'm sorry because this giveaway is not open internationally (for Indonesia readers only). This giveaway is start from April 1st 2012 and will closed on 21st 2012. One lucky winner will free to choose the photo they will use for the PhotoBook or request any idea if they have one. So, be sure to join, ok?

Be sure to fill your form in the rafflecopter widget below. :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rearrange My Life

Been looking for an online store that sell those kind of vintage bag or whatsoever since I'm being addicted of online store recently. And I think about to replenish my daily outfit  and stuffs with some new cool stuff and I decide to hunt it from some online store that I found on blog. So, do you have any suggest? what's your favorite online store?

I'm being so hectic because of tons assignment from my lecturer. And to-be-honest here, I'm not a good student at class because I don't like being tutored (except the lecturer can excite me first). Hahah, I love learning for my self. I feel that it will be more comprehensible and more long-lasting on my brain (remember I'm suck at memorize?) if I learn it myself. I'd rather draw some doodle or scribbled on my notebook with Hangul alphabet (since I just learn it) when the lecturer tutored me in class. Hahah, thus I just have two notebook since the first semester (it was second now). One notebook for calculus (Psst, I'm a math lover since in elementary school) and the other is my random notebook because I fill it with my doodles, and random subject only when I'm excited to write. :p

And btw, do you noticed that I change the name of my craft stuff that I called it as scrapbook in past? I change it into PhotoBook now, since the real scrapbook is way different from what I make. Well, I mean to make a real scrapbook for the first time, but then I searching for the kit and stuff but it kinda rare in my city (or I didn't know yet, maybe?). So, yeah.. I have another thing to do, that is to rearrange my craft business. Well, okay.. :)

I can't get enough of reading beauty blog now. I love when they're reviewing some cool beauty product even I try to order it from them too. Hahah, I being so profligate now. Pardon me dad.. You must be so troubled by having a daughter like me. :p And another thing that make me addicted nowadays is ACE Home Center. I love to delve some new stuff and I found so many unique things there. My favorite stuff is interior design item such as set of bedroom, the cupboard, living room set, and other things that beyond cool! 



♥ Does anyone know when the ipad 3 launch in Indonesia? I've been planning to buy the ipad 2 but then I realize that they will launch the new ipad. And I also want the galaxy tab, do you have any suggest what should I pick? Ipad2 / the new ipad / galaxy tab?

♥ Ssst, I won a giveaway from MadCrafter. This is the third time I win a giveaway. I win a super cute sue sunbonnet wall decor from her. Aaah, she's a nice person btw. She said that my name is similar to her daughter. Hahah, I'm being so freak about giveaway now. Look at my sidebar. It's full of giveaway banner. I'm a simplicity lover honestly, so should I make a special corner for my this-new-hobby?

Psst! I going to held my first giveaway next month! It's not an ordinary giveaway, haha because the winner will get one Special 'Blog PhotoBook' from me. The winner can pick the photo their self or request any design they want. Do you feel some exciting atmosphere here? Haha, stay tune, gals! ^^

Pict credit : 1/2:mine/3

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Blogger Proud to be

We're blogger. And we're proud of it. Even sometime, when I think back about the reason of it and come out with no specific reason . But top of it all, we're still blogging for only reason that we love doing it.

Among another friend of mine, maybe I'm the one that different. It must be that they're firstly open the second after they click their browser. But for me, is my priority. Now I'm not into facebook since I have my own blog. I have no specific reason for it. Maybe just simply because I love writing and I'd like to share what is seems to be helpful for another blogger. Even sometime, I have to override my rest time but I have to admit that the feeling when I found out that many people open my blog and indeed give their reaction of my simple post, is can't describe. It's the mix of happiness, proud, appreciated, and any other best feeling that my heart ever feel (omg, I'm overact now. Haha). If you're an active blogger, you may know about these feeling, isn't it?


Everyone have their own right to be a blogger. I often tell my friends to start blogging and some of them ask me what will they have to share after they make their own blog. I simply say, "just share what you love to do". If you're a romance enthusiast, you can share your creative relationship story between you and your bf/gf. If you're a fashion lover, just share your fashion creation as many fashion blogger do. If you like crafting, you can share your work, or give out a simple tutorial how to make some crafty things. There's still many kind of things that we can share in this blogsphere. 


Maybe you feel ashamed if you want to start blogging about fashion, but you don't have much branded fashion stuff to share. Just try to think out of the ordinary, try to mix and match these no-branded stuff and paired it with another stuff. The point is, being confident and let your creativity flew. 

Or when you not used to write, and you feel confuse what will you write in your blog? That's why we have to try blogging. Blog forcing our mind to keep creative and  forcing our brain to bring out some new and fresh idea to share.

Or if you don't have a proper facilities for blogging such as Internet connection or SLR maybe? Don't you at least have a pocket camera? or any phone camera? Don't make it hard for you.. Just use the simple thing that you have and bring out an awesome output.

Whatever is your working line. Fashion, crafty, doodle, or whatsoever. 

I do still limited in facility for blogging. I don't have any SLR or pocket camera (that's why I often use tumblr photo in my blog). I must confess that I need it but I can't force my parent to fulfill my every wish, isn't it?


I make this post after read an inspiring post from what Clara Devi's wrote in 'Diamond in the rough'. Here is the link -> Behind every blogger.

♥ I just entered a giveaway from Yukiana. Let's check out this link -> Threetones dress giveaway

I also entered With Nana's thank you giveaway. Let's check it out. -> With Nana First Thank You giveaway

Also Joined Kawaii giveaway. Check the link here -> Kawaii giveaway

♥  My recent doodle. It's not yet finished. 

Langkah-langkah Dalam Mendesain Database

Desain database yang efektif memungkinkan hasil aplikasi yang berjalan dengan baik dari awal. Maka dari itu, untuk mempermudah dan membuat hasil yang lebih baik, kita perlu membuat desain database sebelum benar-benar membuat databasenya.

Ada tiga langkah dalam merancang database, yaitu :
1.  Perancangan Database Konseptual (Conceptual Database Design)
2.  Perancangan Database Logik (Logical Database Design)
3.  Perancangan database Fisik (Physical Database Design)

Dan yang akan kita bahas sekarang adalah Perancangan Database Logik :

1. Tentukan tujuan anda membuat database tersebut
Langkah dasar dari pembuatan database adalah menentukan tujuan anda dalam membuat database tersebut. Itu akan memudahkan langkah anda selanjutnya. Jadi, pembuatan database anda akan lebih terarah karena mempunyai suatu tujuan yang jelas. 

2. Kumpulkan informasi yang anda perlukan
Dalam membuat database pasti akan banyak informasi yang akan anda kelola menjadi database. Usahakan untuk mengorganisasi semua informasi yang akan anda perlukan dalam pembuatan database nantinya. Anda bisa minta tolong kepada orang lain yang sudah lebih dulu memahami tentang informasi yang anda butuhkan. Itu akan sangat membantu jika anda mempunyai dan memahami semua informasi dari database yang akan anda buat.

3. Organisasikan semua atribut dan entity yang akan anda gunakan dalam database anda
Buatlah daftar atribut dan entity yang relevan dengan database yang akan anda buat. Beri nama entity anda dengan huruf besar untuk memudahkan proses perancangan database anda. Setelah membuat daftar tersebut, anda bisa mengkonfirmasi lagi apakah anda membutuhkan semua yang ada dalam daftar yang sudah anda buat? Cobalah untuk menyeleksi dan me-reduce hal-hal yang penting saja yang nantinya anda butuhkan.

4. Organisasikan Fields menjadi tabel logik.
Bagi field-field yang sudah anda buat menjadi beberapa kategori yang nantinya setiap kategori tersebut akan mewakili sebuah tabel. Tentukan field kuncinya (primary key). Primary key atau field kunci adalah identitas unik dari sebuah record atau entity.

Contoh menentukan Primary key dari sebuah tabel :

Tabel Anggota Perpuskaan
Nomer anggota :
Nama depan : 
Nama Belakang :
Alamat :
No. Telp :

Dalam hal ini,  nomer anggota adalah primary key dari tabel tersebut. Yang berarti setiap anggota perpustakaan yang tercatat dalam database punya identitas unik yang nantinya membantu untuk merelasikan dengan record di tabel yang lain.

5. Tentukan relationship antar tabel dan definisikan
Tentukan hubungan antara primary key dari suatu tabel dengan foreign key dari  tabel lain. Field yang sama mungkin mempunyai nama yang sama atau sedikit berbeda tapi mempunyai data yang sama. 
Ada 3 cara untuk menghubungkan tabel yang masing-masing mempunyai tujuan unik untuk mengorganisasikan data dalam database. 3 cara untuk menghubungkan tabel :
  • One-to-one RelationshipRelation dimana dalam satu record di suatu tabel berhubungan dengan record yang lain dalam tabel yang berhubungan. 
(NB : cara ini jarang digunakan)
  • One-to-many RelationshipRelation dimana suatu record dalam tabel kunci berhubungan dengan banyak record yang ada dalam tabel yang berhubungan, walaupun record di dalam tabel yang berhubungan tersebut hanya mempunyai satu record yang berhubungan dengan tabel kunci.
(NB : cara ini adalah yang paling sering digunakan
  • Many-to-many RelationshipRelation dimana beberapa record dalam tabel kunci berhubungan dengan beberapa record dalam tabel yang berhubungan.
6. Uji, Sempurnakan dan Perbaiki 
Langkah terakhir dalam pembuatan database adalah menguji database yang telah anda buat. Dengan menguji database anda akan mengetahui kekurangan dari database yang anda buat. Setelah mengetahui apa saja yang kurang dari database anda, maka sempurnakanlah. Dan apabila anda menemukan kesalahan dalam database yang anda buat, maka untuk menyempurnakannya, anda harus memperbaiki tabel yang sudah anda buat.

inspired by article from : 
Designing a relational database by ITS Training Services for Penn State
and many other source.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tutorial Making 'Endless Calendar'

Hi guys, I'm back with my second tutorial as I promised in my last post. This is a very simple tutorial, I'm sure you can make this too. 

Some of you maybe wonder why I called this as 'endless calendar'. I'll explain it after the tutorial, okay? ;)

Needed stuff (just simple) :
♥ Scissor & cutter 
♥ Ruller
♥ Double tape & glue
♥ Printer (for print the pattern)
♥ A4 glossy paper

 Then follow this step below :
1. First, you need 5 sheets of A4 glossy paper. You can recycled your old paper calendar. We can use the back side of the calendar, be sure about the cleanliness of the paper. Well actually, you can use all kind of paper that you want, but I recomend to use the glossy paper to get a better effect. 

Then, you need to download the pattern. You can download it from here. Be sure to pick the A4 link in the left side. Now you have the pattern, then print them out!

2. If you use those glossy paper, you have to wait until it perfectly dry. Then fold it according to the pattern. 

3. After finish folding it, then continue to cut it according to the pattern. 

4. As you can see, there's some 'green circle' on the pattern, that is the glue spot. But, as we use the glossy paper so we're not gonna use glue but double tape to get a better adhesion effect. Don't worry to make the shape, just follow the pattern and the fold line that you've made before. 

5. VOILA!! Your 'Endless Calendar; is finished now! Pretty simple and easy, isn't?

Nah, now you know why I called this as 'endless calendar'. This because we have no-year limit to use this calendar. There's just 'day', 'date', and 'month' box so you can use this calendar forever. Hahah, interesting, huh? :D

The pattern is from Canon Creative Park and there's another black version of this calendar. 

Good luck for those who try. And don't forget to be careful when make it. Take care of your finger from those kinda cutter and scissor because I often been hurt because it.

♥ I finally found the store that sell that kinda neck pillow. Thank's for Stevia who give me suggestion. I also found it on ACE hardware in my city. :)
I joined Severus love giveaway. omg, she's so nice giving a lot stuffs for her giveaway. There gonna be 21 stuffs that she will share in her giveaway. So let's join it too guys! Check this link ->
♥ Also I joined Xiao Vee's first giveaway. She share so lovely stuff for her giveaway. Let's check the following link to join ->
I also joined Ade Kumala birthday giveaway. You can also join it -> 
I also joined Closet Voyage favorite giveaway. Let's check the following link for join -> 
Also joined the first giveaway from Bunnyful Days. Check the following link ->
♥ I don't have a fix plan for my next post, but it may gonna be an IT post to fulfill my lecture task. Just bear with me, ok? ;)


Sunday, March 11, 2012

I miss you DAMN much!

I fall sick since several days ago. This maybe because I miss my dad so badly. And this always happened to me every time when my dad would come home from his voyage. Come home early dad, I miss you DAMN much! :*

Have a tons thing in my "wish list". I wish to have enough money to buy it all but it even impossible. My parent not gonna let me buy everything I want, of course.

 Basic spring shirt from clotch_inc
♥ New jeans
♥ New shoes
♥ Vintage bag
♥ New laptop (need it urgent)
♥ Ipad or galaxy tab
♥ New printer (need it urgent)
♥ Neck pillow (need it badly)

I need a new laptop because my old one was broke. The touch pad can not working, so do the CD room. And also for the printer, I need it for my scrap booking business. About the neck pillow, I've been searching for this thing since a long time ago, but it still rare in my city. Anyone know the online shop that sell those kinda neck pillow? 

It's been a week since my second semester started. I have so much task from my lecturer, and some of them want us to post our task on our blog. I do think about make another blog for my college task but then I remember that I have that kinda IT section on this blog so why don't just post it here? So maybe I'll post more IT things from now on. Just bear with me, okay?


♥ I have a plan to make my very own giveaway on my blog. I plan to give a blog scrapbook for my giveaway. But I still looking for my free time because I have so many lecture task and scrapbook order to do. Just look forward it, okay? ;)

♥ I'll make my second tutorial on the next post. That will be an "Endless Calendar". I share this calendar on my shop as a prize for 5 first customer, now you can make it yourself. Just be sure to stay tune on my blog, okay?

Snap pict of my next tutorial post. 

Monday, March 05, 2012


Quote of the day : 
Don't ever regret your own decision. Once you do it, that blaming feeling is always following your mind. 

Hi bloggaz! It's a really nice thing I can open my blog and post something here because I kinda busy with my new business and my new lecture. Glad to know that you stay tune in my blog and always support me with your nice comment. I really appreciate it. :)

About my quote above, that is something what I feel now. You know, when you make a decision between two hard things and you've got to choose one of it, but your heart is on the other side. But I have to responsible for decision that I've made ( and sure it's a really hard thing ) and you have no other option but keep walking. Because time is cannot rewind. If I can rewind it, I would back to that time, when I have to choose my future, and follow my heart what I want to be. Now I should working on two things, my obligation, and my passion. It's sure something hard to do, but it's okay. I'll try to do my best on both. 

But yeah, let's skip those hard topic. I just finished my first order. This is a couple scrapbook for my old friend from highschool and she will give it for her boyfriend on his bithday. I hope they like it. Here is the snap pict of it.. :)

Finished pages

The scarpbook on this photo is not finish, but now it finished. :)

and it's ready to send now.. :)


Anyone have a recommended skin care center? My current skin care is seems like don't really suits me. It make my skin whiter but my face is easily breakouts now. :c

And does anyone know how to grow my hair faster? I'm okay with my current haircut, but kinda miss my long hair nowadays.. :c