Friday, April 29, 2011

let's make the world into a papercraft

Hey,, how's your life?? isn't that good?? mine is pretty flat already. Just gohta loooooooong holiday because the final examination and uhm,, nothing to do now..

So,, I decide to make my own self being busy with every kind of stupid little activity like (tadaaaaaaaaaaa) make a papercraft.. I just got several papercraft design from some website and uhm I think I try to waste my printer tint for make a suhper lot of papercraft with many kind of color.
There's something I can get from making a papercraft. That is how it change some ugly character into something more cute.. I wish I always can change a bad situation into the happy one too.. Yeahh,, me is just too mellow this lately day..
And tonight I become an owl again such a several night ago.. I'm just suddenly aware about something I almost forgot. I used to be a coffee freak in the past year. But I decide to stop for maybe this year.. But, it's holiday.. And I just feel confused about how to make my time to be qualified enough. So I just grab everything that thrown at me because I really can't be such an unployment person. Now that I have an unordinary schedule such everyone because I work in the night and slept in the morning. That's weird because I'm ahh almost forget how it feel to have such an insomnia symptom just like my past year. I can't even close my eyes because I'm not feel sleepy or something. I'm the kind of person that sleep when sleepy, and eat when hungry, or maybe take a bath when get smell bad (oh no,, the last one is just a joke). It doesn't matter how I got a hard day, I'm still being an owl.. Work in the night, and sleep in the morning.
And yeah I through a hard day yesterday.. I feel my body is want to crash immadiately because of the motorcycle.. Could you imagine how it gonna be to get to Semarang for about 4 hours and with a motorcyle. Ahh,, you supposed to know how bad it is.. I swear never do it anymore.. And you know I got my bigest enemy ever now.. It is TRUCK!!!!! You know what?? TRUCK is soooooooo suck. I hate it to the core. I hate because my whole body is going to be more black because of it fog. Bahh..

Well,, actually feeling sorry for some people. There's my friend from Ungaran.. She lose her mother exactly when she finish her exam. I can't imagine how it feel. I'm just too afraid to imagine it. I bring my condolence for her and even her big family. Hopefully they able to endure for face this fact. And for my classmate, Sivi.. I heard that she got typus disease. If Tegal Cilacap can be trough for just one hour, I'll come to her place and just try to push her to keep strong. I don't know why. Sivi is maybe a limp person. I don't think that she can get sick like this time.. Feel sorry for her both..

And that so my parents. I feel sorry for them too. I know,, there's no special occasion or something,, I just feel bad for being a stubburn child among my last 17 years. They supposed to be sick of my bad habit too. I got a lot of bad habit. And for everything I do in this world, even if I try to make em happy for proud of myself, I just can't get enough. I want more for give them million smile.. I really love them both.. 

sooo.. okay.. I think it sleep time for me. Hopefully you got a nice day all.. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's not about what we get from our state, but what we can give for em..

ohkay.. Let's start it.. Maybe April is just another ordinary month. But not for the 21th April. It was the substantiation of girl power. I always appreciate a woman who do the best on her life to prove to the world that the woman also have power to make it happen. 

I believe they do it not just because wanna get a praise from the others but because with their successfulness it means that they're spread their happiness to the others. I believe they do it not just for their self, but for everyone who support, and care and something who always push them to do something better.

ehmm,, by the way, I got several figure of Indonesian woman who I admire the most. Its not just about their achievement, but what they do is something amazing that has motivated many people to move forward. That's the most precious effect from what other people do. 

Okay.. Here she is .. 
  • R. A. Kartini

         When I was child, I believe that hero is a person that helping the other people when they're in such an emergency situation. But now I have 17, so I have another opinion. I think hero is someone who doing something amazing in their live and influence the other that everyone can do the same thing like them too if they have a motivation to make it happen.
         That is R. A Kartini. She's the role motivator of Indonesian woman. Hero is the maker of incredible changes in the world. Everyone know that habit is a really hard thing to changed. But I think there's another one that harder than that. That is someone "way of thinking". But she prove that nothing can not do in this world. Woman in the past that maybe just becoming a guardinan's house, but she has succeed to make people changed their mind that woman also have a right. She has prove to the world that woman also have a power to do something amazing in their live. 

  • Agnes Monica

        I know that feeling when everyone know about my highest dream, I try all my best to make it happen, even when there's another people that underestimate me that I will never reach it, but all I can do is just keep walking and keep doing my thing. And when the time is come, it will prove to the world that everything what I've done is never wasting. I will not feel ashamed if I can't reach my highest dream because the most important thing in my life is an effort to do something. I love the process of something. I don't really care about the result because result is just the gift of our effort. I believe god will bring us as much as what we have done. 
        That is what I took from Agnes Monica. She's such a modern hero who has motivate many people (including me) to keep doing our best although many people is underestimate us. 

  • Diana Rikasari

        Maybe this is the feeling when someone doing an online dating. They're never met each other before, but they feel like they know all about each other, they even believe that their couple is a nice person even never met before. 
        I think that's what I feel since the first time I know about Diana Rikasari blog (the hot chocolate and mint). I know, I never met her before, but I like her style, her photos, even her "way of thinking". Honestly, she's the one of my role motivator to make a blog and keep on blogging till now. 
        I don't know why I like her, but I think it's not just about her cool style or her cute way of fashion. I prefer to her "way of thinking". I even prefer her "thoughts" post or her "miscellaneous" post than her "fashion diary" post. haha.. I know her way of fashion is cute and I like it too, but I like her words more than her fashion style.

That's all what I can do to celebrate the Kartini's Day. I hope woman is always being a powerfull person.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We born into what we have learn

I just suddenly think about how someone could grow up with different mindset. I think it's not just about what families they come from, or their social status, or even how thick their pockets. I think it all depends on the environment around them. When they grew up in a blue environment, then they will become blue. When they grow up in a black neighborhood, then they will become black too.
Besides the environment, television and their daily activities are also highly influenced. I really disappointed to realized how my little brother could be a child who is no longer I know.
Punk, an absurd band, red spiky hair, now is who he is now. Absolutely absurd style. I’m not saying that I hate a certain style. I just don’t want it if my brother become one of them.
I’m not going to make an opinion that they’re got sloppy style. I believe they are all good people and do that because they want to express themselves. I also ever thought that they were cool before I woke up and realized that I had my own style. Beside from all that, I just don’t want that young children who are innocently affected by their style.
The children should grow not based on television or in certain communities. They should grow with the full attention of their family so that’s impossible to formed an uncontrollable child.

Ahhhh,, it just too heavy topic, isn’t? I think I just on random thought. And now I feel so tired because of that. Really starving in the middle of this night. Wanna catch some food first.. 

Let's begin with dictionary!!

Abbreviations In Slang

AFAIK = As Far As I Know
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
AFK = Away From Keyboard

= Be Right Back
BTW = By The Way

= Correct Me If I’m Wrong

GTFO =Get The Fu** Out
LTNC = Long Time No See

OIC = Oh, I See
OMG = Oh, My God
OTOH = On The Other Hand

CP = Cross-Posting
OT = Off Topic
OOT = Out Of Topic
VOOT = Very Out Of Topic
POV = Point Of View

PS = Post Scriptum; PostScript
SOL = Sorry, One Liner – kalau pesan anda pendek, cantumkan ini.

FYI = For Your Information
HTH = Hope That Helped/Hope This Helps
IAC = In Any Case
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
ASAP = As Soon As Posible

IMO = In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion (rarely: In My Honest Opinion)
IMNSHO = In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IOW = In Other Words
ISO = In Search Of

LOL = Laughs Out Loud
LMAO = Laughing My A** Off
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A** Off

SSIA = Subject Says It All
STFU = Shut the Fu** up!TBE = To Be Expected
TBH = To Be Honest
TWIMC = To Whom It May Concern
TBYB = Try Before You Buy

TMA = Take My Advice
TIMTOWTDI = There Is More Than One Way To Do It
TINALO = This Is Not A Legal Opinion
TINAR = This Is Not A Recommendation

TIA = Thanks In Advance
TFTT = Thanks For The Thought
TTYL - Talk To You Later
TYVM = Thank You Very Much

WOMBAT = Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time
WBS = Write Back Soon
WRT = With Regard To; With Respect To
WYGIWYPF = What You Get Is What You Pay For
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get

WTB = Want To Buy
WTF = What The Fu**!
WTS = Want To Sell
WTI = Want To Inform
WTA = Want To Ask

and much more..

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

It remain 2 weeks before the final exam and I'm still Online..

Hello people!! OMG!! Can’t believe it was suhper duhper long time we’re not meet. If blog is a human, I wanna hug it tightly, kiss it and waaaaaaaaaaahh.. can’t believe I’m going to miss you damn deep. Oh hell!!

I totally miss you like you know since my last holiday when I spend it on Dobonsolo super ship. My last holiday is just like nano nano,, like happy, bored, happy, bored, happy, and bohred.. It nice that I could visit city I never been in before like Makassar, Bau-bau, Bitung, Sorong, Jayapura.. Well, it’s all east side of Indonesia but it’s fine.. Because my ticket is all free!! It’s two weeks full and it’s ALL FREE!! Yippie.. I got the family ticket from my dad’s office. Like it.. If the ticket can exchange with money, well,, I’ll do it!! Lumayan banget buat jajan pas liburan.. Aduhh,, nyampe kenyang deh. Gue sampe relain nggak ikutan photo session buat year book gara-gara liburan ini. But that’s fine enough..

Ohmygod!! You know,, it remain 2 weeks before final exam,, and I’m still online.. My feeling is within’ afraid and confident but it hard to describe.. I’m sure you know what is that feel. But it’s ohkay,, it just ordinary teenage feelings..

Hmm.. there’s something else I always confuse about. It’s about where will I go college. Gue udah daftar SNMPTN undangan, UDINUS. Then, yang lain gue mau daftar fellowship paramadina sama Polines.. Wish me luck ya all!! I know, I’m supposed to thankful to god that I have accepted in UDINUS. But,, I’m not feeling enough. I accepted in Information Technology Faculty in Udinus but, I still wanna reach my highest dream to being a great desainer. You know my story,, when I tell you that I wanna be an architect like truly I really want it. But now I’m aware that it just my children wishes. Gue udah sadar kalo itu cuma obsesi masa kecil gue. Gue sekarang udah lebih tau spesifikasi cita-cita gue. I wish,, kalo gue bisa rewind mesin waktu, gue mau balik ke masa kelulusan SMP, terus gue ambil SMA aja, terus masuk jurusan IPA, then graduate dan lanjutin ke UI jurusan Arsitektur Interior. That gonna be PERFECT!! Yippie.. You know kenapa gue lebih milih interior desain?? It because gue sadar, kalo kerjaan proyek such as outdoor project gitu kayaknya bukan gue banget deh. Gue prefer ke dekorasi ruang atau desain interior gitu..

Ya ampun!! Tapi pliss deh!! Wake up, hey!! Come on,, let’d go back to the reality. You have seventeen. Now you have to choose within Paramadina, ITS, Undip, Polines, dan Udinus. Well,, gue udah bikin prioritas. So,, becoz my highest dream is being a Interior Designer, jadi gue bakal lebih prioritasin .. *drumroll..
  1. DPI - Paramadina
  2. DPI - ITS
  3. Arsitektur - ITS
  4. Arsitektur – Undip
  5. Teknik Informasi – ITS
  6. Teknik Telekomunikasi – Polines
  7. Teknik Informasi – Undip
  8. Teknik Informasi – Udinus
  9. Sistem Indofmasi – Undip
I’ve got the reason for each item above. Why I take the Paramadina on the first line, why TI?? Why TekTel?? Why I prefer ITS? You know, I can’t explain it one for one.

But it’s all depend on my parent. Kalo ortu setuju,, gue ambill. Kalo nggak setuju ya gue paksa biar setuju.. (wkwkwk..)

Well,, it gets boring yah.. udahan dulu aja deh.. wish me luck for final exam~!! I’ll be back after final exam. P.R.O.M.I.S.E.!!

Chaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxx!!!!!! xoxo
Rizki Dwi Kelimutu