Tuesday, April 05, 2011

It remain 2 weeks before the final exam and I'm still Online..

Hello people!! OMG!! Can’t believe it was suhper duhper long time we’re not meet. If blog is a human, I wanna hug it tightly, kiss it and waaaaaaaaaaahh.. can’t believe I’m going to miss you damn deep. Oh hell!!

I totally miss you like you know since my last holiday when I spend it on Dobonsolo super ship. My last holiday is just like nano nano,, like happy, bored, happy, bored, happy, and bohred.. It nice that I could visit city I never been in before like Makassar, Bau-bau, Bitung, Sorong, Jayapura.. Well, it’s all east side of Indonesia but it’s fine.. Because my ticket is all free!! It’s two weeks full and it’s ALL FREE!! Yippie.. I got the family ticket from my dad’s office. Like it.. If the ticket can exchange with money, well,, I’ll do it!! Lumayan banget buat jajan pas liburan.. Aduhh,, nyampe kenyang deh. Gue sampe relain nggak ikutan photo session buat year book gara-gara liburan ini. But that’s fine enough..

Ohmygod!! You know,, it remain 2 weeks before final exam,, and I’m still online.. My feeling is within’ afraid and confident but it hard to describe.. I’m sure you know what is that feel. But it’s ohkay,, it just ordinary teenage feelings..

Hmm.. there’s something else I always confuse about. It’s about where will I go college. Gue udah daftar SNMPTN undangan, UDINUS. Then, yang lain gue mau daftar fellowship paramadina sama Polines.. Wish me luck ya all!! I know, I’m supposed to thankful to god that I have accepted in UDINUS. But,, I’m not feeling enough. I accepted in Information Technology Faculty in Udinus but, I still wanna reach my highest dream to being a great desainer. You know my story,, when I tell you that I wanna be an architect like truly I really want it. But now I’m aware that it just my children wishes. Gue udah sadar kalo itu cuma obsesi masa kecil gue. Gue sekarang udah lebih tau spesifikasi cita-cita gue. I wish,, kalo gue bisa rewind mesin waktu, gue mau balik ke masa kelulusan SMP, terus gue ambil SMA aja, terus masuk jurusan IPA, then graduate dan lanjutin ke UI jurusan Arsitektur Interior. That gonna be PERFECT!! Yippie.. You know kenapa gue lebih milih interior desain?? It because gue sadar, kalo kerjaan proyek such as outdoor project gitu kayaknya bukan gue banget deh. Gue prefer ke dekorasi ruang atau desain interior gitu..

Ya ampun!! Tapi pliss deh!! Wake up, hey!! Come on,, let’d go back to the reality. You have seventeen. Now you have to choose within Paramadina, ITS, Undip, Polines, dan Udinus. Well,, gue udah bikin prioritas. So,, becoz my highest dream is being a Interior Designer, jadi gue bakal lebih prioritasin .. *drumroll..
  1. DPI - Paramadina
  2. DPI - ITS
  3. Arsitektur - ITS
  4. Arsitektur – Undip
  5. Teknik Informasi – ITS
  6. Teknik Telekomunikasi – Polines
  7. Teknik Informasi – Undip
  8. Teknik Informasi – Udinus
  9. Sistem Indofmasi – Undip
I’ve got the reason for each item above. Why I take the Paramadina on the first line, why TI?? Why TekTel?? Why I prefer ITS? You know, I can’t explain it one for one.

But it’s all depend on my parent. Kalo ortu setuju,, gue ambill. Kalo nggak setuju ya gue paksa biar setuju.. (wkwkwk..)

Well,, it gets boring yah.. udahan dulu aja deh.. wish me luck for final exam~!! I’ll be back after final exam. P.R.O.M.I.S.E.!!

Chaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxx!!!!!! xoxo
Rizki Dwi Kelimutu


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